Foto de ROSELI PENA Estados Unidos

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Roselis was born in Santo Domingo, the capital of the
island of...

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43.31 x 70.87 in
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Foto de ROSELI PENA Estados Unidos

Roselis was born in Santo Domingo, the capital of the
island of Dominican Republic. The formative years of Roselis' life brought her much opportunity for artistic experimentation. At a very early age, Roselis enrolled in elementary classes of clay molding. Early on her instructor discovered that she had natural artistic aptitudes and tactical
abilities that showed great promise.

As time passed, Roselis' artistic methods and abilities
increased dramatically. The quality of her artistic expression began to demonstrate a critical element for structure as well as the need to reflect emotional content and vitality. Her artistic talent matured successfully. This maturity coupled
with her fiery passion for fine arts gave her the enthusiasm and the drive to commit herself and pursue a serious artistic career. Soon after graduating from high school, Roseli chose to study fine arts at the University.

In 1981, Roselis entered the
Pedro Henrique Urena National University. When she graduated in 1985 Roseli went on to advanced studies at Apec University. She also studied at the Parsson school in Altos de Chavon, Santo Domingo, where she had a very good experience.

Roselis sought an interest in teaching children. She realized this vision and founded the "Academia de Arte". She also participated in various interviews in magazines and television. She has done community service for institutions for kids with cancer and donated time as a teacher and some of her paintings, this making her feel good about herself and
including this as a part of her life.

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